eBanking Policy Forum
E-commerce, generally knows as electronic commerce also Internet Commerce or Digital Commerce refers to the day to day business operations carried out using the Internet or digital technology. Most specifically buying and selling different goods and services using ICT resources some of the great examples of those are Amazon or Daraz in the case of Nepal. Though it’s mostly focused on selling products from an online store but not limited to products by using different platforms it is enabled to even sell the services one of a good example is Tootle and Pathao (ride-sharing platforms). Post COVID-19, there is a boom of eCommerce companies.. Recently, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Supply has prepared draft legislation on E-Business which is still at a preliminary stage. . Considering the need for wider knowledge, consultation, and discourse on the various legal and policy issues of the e-commerce Delta Law Firm, Internet Governance Institute, and Innovative Legal Services has planned a wide discussion with the stakeholders on the laws, policies, and practices of e-commerce industries in Nepal.
The objective of the forum is to discuss various dimensions of law, policy, and practices of e-commerce in Nepal. The Discussion on e-business will focus on the following issues:
· · Discuss major technological trends and their legal impact in the e-commerce industry.
· · Discuss major regulatory frameworks and their practices in Nepal,
· · Discuss the major issues of e-commerce like security, consumer protection, intermediary liability, and payment gateway.
· · Discuss the role of social media platforms and mobile phone in e-commerce and their legal implications.
· · Discuss the future of e-commerce, e.g. AI, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, etc. and their legal implications.
Universal Acceptance Awareness
Nepal Internet Foundation organized a discussion webinar on ““Universal Acceptance Awareness” during the Covid19 pandemic” among the wider stakeholders representing all over the Nepal. The webinar was organized on June 17, 2020. During the webinar International Speakers by Dr. Ajay Data (Chair of Universal Acceptance Steering Group, ccNSO Council Member and Founder & CEO of Data Xgen Technologies Pvt Ltd, INDIA), Mr. Samiran Gupta (Head of India for ICANN and a veteran in business strategy and public affairs management) both the expert share the used of universal acceptance in-depth knowledge and usages cases all over the world and case studies of India too and Moderator by Mr. Bikram Shrestha (Founder/President Nepal Internet Foundation).
The objective of the webinar is to explore and focus on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) including Email Address Internationalization (EAI) and Universal Acceptance (UA). How it works and the impact of its usages.
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